Fate determines who comes into your life, your heart determines who stays.
Is it only me who thinks that Christmas was over way to soon?
2011-12-26 @ 17:32:18 Permalink Personal Permalink
Maybe it´s because of the fact that we don´t celebrate Christmas that much in my family. Mostly because my father is soo antichrist you can be, he hates everything about christmas and has always been. When our mother was still alive, he had to celebrate with us, but after she passed away he´s like "screw this, and screw you"..
So me and my sibling came up with this idea for Christmas this years that we celebrate at my older sisters place, without out father.. and I gotta say - we all had a blast! We cooked food together, opened presents and no one dispited the company. I really hope we´ll do this every year, so we don´t have to spend it with the father ever again!!
I didn´t get that much, because two of my siblings doesn´t have a income. But I´m happy anyway, because I got a toaster, which I can use in my appartment when I finally move away from this a-hole! And a pc-game, The sims 3 adventure!

2011-12-26 @ 17:32:18 Permalink Personal Permalink