They see me rollin', they hatin'
A new years resolution is just a "To do" list for the first week of January
Fate determines who comes into your life, your heart determines who stays.
Is it only me who thinks that Christmas was over way to soon?

2011-12-26 @ 17:32:18 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
Maybe it´s because of the fact that we don´t celebrate Christmas that much in my family. Mostly because my father is soo antichrist you can be, he hates everything about christmas and has always been. When our mother was still alive, he had to celebrate with us, but after she passed away he´s like "screw this, and screw you"..
So me and my sibling came up with this idea for Christmas this years that we celebrate at my older sisters place, without out father.. and I gotta say - we all had a blast! We cooked food together, opened presents and no one dispited the company. I really hope we´ll do this every year, so we don´t have to spend it with the father ever again!!
I didn´t get that much, because two of my siblings doesn´t have a income. But I´m happy anyway, because I got a toaster, which I can use in my appartment when I finally move away from this a-hole! And a pc-game, The sims 3 adventure!

2011-12-26 @ 17:32:18 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
Haha this is me every day!
First appointment with the physiotherapist
So, I had my first appointment with my physiotherapist today and she told me I might have scoliosis. she also pointed out that my left leg is 1cm shorter than the right one.

2011-12-21 @ 22:27:54 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
We wont know for sure about all this until I´ve had a x-ray. If I have scoliosis, I don´t know what might happend. Do I need surgery or can they treat it with massage and work-outs?
I dunno. Feels so surreal, that my back might be deformed. .

2011-12-21 @ 22:27:54 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
I recently got rid of the cold sores I already had, and when I woke up this morning I had a new one on the upperlip. I´m mad, because I want to be cute on Christmas eve and New years eve.

2011-12-18 @ 12:27:31 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
I guess I need to drown my lips in lipbalm and hope it will be cured until Saturday.

2011-12-18 @ 12:27:31 Permalink Personal Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
Always when there´s a fight on facebook:
I´m gonna try that the next time!
Stop overanalyze everything!
This is a party
Can't Reject His Call
Does this mean I have to use a wallet from now on?
Aim High with Jackson Rathbone
Are you like me and are sporting a bigger celebrity-fantasy with Jackson Rathbone than Robert and Taylor?

2011-12-15 @ 20:27:56 Permalink TV Comments (0) Trackbacks ()
Then you´re going to like this tiny, hilarous TV-serie with Jackson in the lead.
First off I just have to tell you that I did find full episodes, but they wont show them in Sweden. So I googled a little bit and found this on youtube. I´m not sure if it´s the full episode or just a shortcut of the real thing.
But I hope you ejoy them as much as I do!
But I hope you ejoy them as much as I do!

2011-12-15 @ 20:27:56 Permalink TV Comments (0) Trackbacks ()